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Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

No-Cost, Value Range Analysis

The key to a successful sale starts with understanding the value of your business. Sunbelt Franchise Re-Sales & Sunbelt Business Brokers are experts in helping sellers of businesses determine the proper value to go to market. Undergoing a no-cost, Value Range Analysis will provide the foundation for maximizing the value of your business.

Recasting your Financials

Most business owners try to mitigate tax burdens. Therefore, their financials likely DO NOT reflect all the benefits their business provides to them as the business owner...

Recasting your financials is one of the most crucial steps in selling your business. Because businesses often sell for a MULTIPLE of total owner benefit, you can’t afford to make mistakes in the recasting process. Simply put, every dollar that is found in the recasting process equals multiple dollars added to your business’ value.

Risk & Growth

Undergoing a valuation of your business will undoubtedly shed light upon the two primary business value drivers: RISK & GROWTH. Being aware of the areas of risk and growth in your business is vital to maximizing the price of your business.

As part of the valuation process, we'll take the opportunity to discuss these areas with you, in addition to revealing and educating you on how we ultimately apply this information to its overall value.

Get the Truth

Many business brokers will tell sellers what they want to hear when it comes to pricing their business. We will help you wade through the promises and assurances made by other brokers. With Sunbelt Franchise Re-Sales (SFR), you will have more combined industry knowledge and experience at your disposal than you ever thought possible!

The SFR no-cost, Value Range Analysis is an investment we make in research -- and the application of our experience -- to make sure you receive a realistic value range with no surprises or empty promises.


A significant element of any sale of a business is financing. A business valuation allows us to determine what types of financing may be available going forward.

Understanding your financing options, and the pros and cons associated with each, is a critical step in the sales process. Sunbelt Franchise Re-Sales assists sellers in looking at the 'three legged stool' of price, terms and taxes with the goal to MAXIMIZE seller profits at closing.


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