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Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

Corporate Re-Sales Program

Do Your Owners Have A Succession Plan?

The majority of small business owners have a common trait: they do NOT have a succession plan. For any organization whose success is dependent on their individual, main-street owners, a non-existent or ineffective succession plan will have negative effects on revenue, profits and enterprise value.

Being a franchise ourselves, Sunbelt is uniquely equipped to help your owners transition their business. Whether a single store, a multi-unit re-sale, or re-branding corporate locations, Sunbelt has successfully found the RIGHT buyer for tens of thousands of re-sales. Find out how we can help your owners, and thus your organization, succeed in the transition game.

Program Benefits

Save Time: Having a resource to delegate the lengthy re-sales process is invaluable as time demands on corporates/franchisors continuously increase.
Education: The cornerstone to our program! By helping your owners understand the complexities of the sales process and the drivers of value in their business, they they will be better equipped for a smoother sale at maximum value. 
No Cost: Sunbelt Franchise Re-Sales has no retainers or hidden costs. Our fees are paid by the seller and are based primarily on successful sales transactions.

Deep Buyer Pool: Sunbelt sees more buyers than any other broker. Buyers do deals! Our strength is matching each buyer with the most compatible opportunity.

Reduced Liability: Using a third party mitigates potential issues regarding the sale. This includes the always tricky valuation of the business. Sunbelt handles the negotiations and represents the seller. 

Control: You stay in control of how your businesses are marketed, the type of new owner selected and the organization's destiny.

Re-Sale opportunities are just that...  an OPPORTUNITY !

Unit level re-sales, no matter how frequent, are opportunities to:

  • Improve the brand with a new motivated owner.
  • Increase participation in strategic initiatives.
  • Increase the inherent value of the business.

When an owner in your system demonstrates an interest in selling their business, their motivation to maximize profits (and your royalties!) takes a backseat. Based on the research we've compiled from our re-sales partners, unit level revenues INCREASED by an average of 22% in the first year following the re-sale of a business. Over the second year, unit level revenues had INCREASED 35% compared to revenues one year prior to sale. Highly motivated and well capitalized owners drive profits !


If your organization is interested in joining the program or want to learn more, don't hesitate to contact us TODAY by clicking the icon below.

Enrollment is free and there are no ongoing costs. However, the results will have a dramatic effect on your re-sales and thus your bottom line!